This Website is
dedicated to the Nature Photography. Here, One can find photographs of
over 900 different species of insects and animals. Those photographs
were taking within nature environment during last 13 years and the
number of photographs is increasing everyday.
Below each photograph is the name and terms in English and Latin
Language of the insect/animal. Beside that, One can find a separate list of photographed species
like a help in searching for specific species. I received a great help of biologists in determination of the
species. But, mistakes are often inevitable. So, please, if you notice
any mistake in the name of the species or other, send me an email at farkas.geza@gmail.com, so I can correct it. I made a special gallery for my colleges photographers, named THE
BEST OF, with 50 photographs which represent me the best as a Nature
The Website will be updated monthly, and the most recent
photographs will be displayed at the beginning of each separate
Gallery as NEW, so the new visitors can view only the most recent
photographs. All Photographs are owned by the Author. If You need or want to use
them for any purpose, please contact me via email.
I really hope that while viewing my photographs, you will be able to feel
a little bit of the excitement that I felt while taking photographs of
those magnificent creatures in the nature. My intention is that my photographs help in some ways in the
Preservation of the natural Habitats of this animals and insects,
protecting and conserving it for future generation, and to remind that
we have a beautiful nature and animals living in it. Most of these photographs were taken all over Serbia, but also,
many of them were taken on my journeys through Mediterranean.
Thank You for visiting my Website and sharing the same
passion for Nature and Animals.
Geza Farkas
Ovaj sajt sam posvetio fotografiji prirode. Ovde možete pronaći
fotografije preko 900 različitih vrsta životinja, koje sam fotografisao u
prirodnom okruženju, u proteklih 13 godina. Ovaj broj stalno raste. Ispod
svake fotografije nalazi se ime vrste na engleskom i latinskom jeziku.
Posebno je data lista svih fotografisanih vrsta kao pomoć u pretraživanju
za one koji traže fotografiju određene vrste. U determinaciji su mi
pomagali prijatelji biolozi. Ipak, greške su moguće, i ako ih primetite
molim vas da me obavestite i pošaljete mi Email na farkas.geza@gmail.com.
Za moje kolege fotografe, tu je galerija od 50 fotografija THE BEST koja
me, po mom mišljenju, najbolje predstavlja kao fotografa prirode. U ovoj
galeriji su radovi koji su nagrađeni na raznim foto konkursima i štampani
u knjigama. Sajt se ažurira jednom mesečno i fotografije se prvo dodaju u
galeriju 'novo', tako da redovni posetioci mogu pregledati samo najnovije
fotografije. Sve fotografije su vlasništvo autora i, ako želite da ih
koristite za bilo koju namenu, molim vas da me kontaktirate na Email
farkas.geza@gmail.com. Nadam se da ćete gledajući ove fotografije osetiti
bar deo onog uzbuđenja koje ja osećam dok fotografišem sva ta predivna
bića u prirodi. Želja mi je da ove fotografije bar malo pomognu da se
staništa ovih životinja očuvaju i da se, samim tim, one sačuvaju za buduća
pokoljenja. Većina fotografija je nastala u Srbiji, ali ih ima puno i sa
mojih putovanja po Mediteranu. Hvala vam na poseti.
Geza Farkaš